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Deja Vu Discs has received positive attention
from the media over the past decade.
We have received many Readers Choice awards
from various newspapers in the Greater Toronto Area (including the Toronto Sun in 2008 and 2005).
Deja Vu Discs has also been featured in articles
in various newspapers
including the National Post, The Metro and Toronto Business times.

"We CD people" - Mar 12, 2005
... I had thought
my CDs would be worth about the same no matter where I went. It's surprising,
then, when Deja Vu Discs, a chain of eight suburban stores, offers so much more
than the others ($30, compared to a low of $3). It does so by keeping
scrupulous tabs in inventory with a specially devised computer program...
Read the full article.

"Used CD chain hits right note" - Dec 2003
... "If you go
into any of the major chains, they're similar." "In our stores, not only does
the individual store change, but each store is going to be (stocked)
differently," he said. "We have customers who, on a Saturday, will start out in
the Oshawa store and will make a day of it...
Read the full article.

"It's rockin' business" - Dec 2, 2003
... All you need
are your CDs, DVDs or games case and photo ID, and the trio say they pay you
top dollar without guess work or bartering.
Deja Vu Discs also has a 30-day guarantee of "risk-free buying" - something
they say their competitors don't have. Items are checked for defects and
shipped for restoring if necessary before being sold...
Read the full article.

TV feature on Deja Vu Discs by
"York Region Living" - Summer 2004
Video clips are in Windows Media format