When it comes to trade-ins, Deja Vu Discs is unlike a typical
used disc retailer since what we pay is based on supply and demand, and not on
personal preference or attitude. Our fair value computer system ensures that
you always get the most for your discs without any hassles. An article in
the National Post (see Media Room) surveyed stores in Toronto and determined
Deja Vu Discs as the best place to sell your discs based on the number of discs
we buy and the amount of money we pay.
We buy CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray (see below for more details).
You always get 20% more if you
take store credit instead of cash.
Note: To trade-in, you must be 18 years old and must provide
valid government photo ID.
How do I Trade-In?

You can bring in your discs anytime during store hours to any Deja Vu Discs
location. We will quickly go through your discs and give you a quote on the
What we pay for CDs:

We pay up to $5 cash for CDs. Multiple disc sets are generally worth more than single discs.
If you take store credit you get 20% more.